Thursday, January 8, 2009

And Sanity Reigns Again

Oh people, if I knew that all I needed yesterday was the sugary goodness of frosting to feel better about the world, I would have made a run to the store while Ace was still sleeping (and ate frosting while watching Iron Man for the second time). I don't know why I needed the sugar (there was a distinct lack of a sugar buzz), but after eating some frosting I started feeling normal again.

Today, if you were to come to my house, I would offer you food and drink instead of warning you to run before I start throwing things in your general direction. Between the craziness of hormones, cramps, and feeling kind of twitchy in general lately, I've missed being fully sane. Fortunately, my sanity has come back to me.

Well, I'm off to do other things until it's time to go get that massage from Karen (who needed me to delay it for her daughter's sake).


P.S.: Jenna, I dreamt of you last night. Is that weird?


Anonymous said...

Totally unweird. Were there cupcakes?

MA Smith said...

Not in the dream. Instead, you drove from TX to AR to measure my dad's porch for a gift to me. Totally random.

Are we currently obsessed with cupcakes?