Saturday, January 26, 2013

Things I've Learned

Things I’ve learned so far on the truck:

1. Kansas is boring. It is full of rolling hills that all look the same. There is no signal for my cell phone or our current mobile internet. And it stinks.

2. Colorado has more trees in the first 5 miles than all of Kansas. This may only be a slight exaggeration.

3. The Rocky Mountains are beautiful.

4. Sometimes, the company can change their mind about where you should go after you’ve already started to head one way. That sucks.

5. Colorado has windmill farms. They have red lights on them so planes won’t fly into them.

6. Nebraska is flatter than Kansas. And it has more trees. By a lot.

7. If you know of a city in one state, there is likely a city by that name in another state (or multiple states). For example, there is a Lexington in Mississippi, Nebraska, and New York as well as in Kentucky.

8. 34 hour resets can be somewhat boring, but they are necessary from time to time. It’s a good time to do laundry.

9. There is always something to buy at a truck stop. Most things are probably things you don’t really need. That doesn’t make them less tempting.

10. Chicken plants stink worse than cow patties. A lot worse.

11. Tyson does something with beef too. I have no clue what, but they do something with it.

12. Sometimes, the smaller truck stops are actually the better ones. You may not want to take a shower there, but the parking lots are better and there is plenty of options for drinks. Bigger does not mean better.

13. Trees make for fascinating scenery when you've had nothing but rolling hills to look at for hours.

14. I have an irrational dislike of Kansas now. And a list of things that could make Kansas cooler. I never knew I could dislike a whole state before.

15. The heaters on a truck work really well. Like wearing a t-shirt warm. I like it.

I've been on the truck less than a week. I'm sure more posts like this will be coming in the future.

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