Monday, November 9, 2009

Tidbits of Randomness

I don't have any particular thoughts to try to elaborate on, so instead I'm going to randomly talk about a couple of things that have popped in my head.


Ever since we moved out of our house, I've been sleepy. I'm not sure what's up with that, but I've just wanted to sleep for the most part. I think I may go try to take a nap in a few minutes.


Thinking about your biological clock while next to a ticking clock can be confusing. It doesn't help if you start seeing white hairs in places they shouldn't be (like on your 29 year old body).


When we were shopping the other day, we bought 10 pounds of sugar. Ace figured that was a lot of sugar. I figured that if we were going through 2 quarts of Kool-Aid in a 24 hour period than we would need a lot of sugar to keep Kool-Aid in our fridge.


We bought some measuring cups (to measure the sugar). Ace managed to break the handle off the 1 cup measuring cup already. Then he pointed out that that was why there were more expensive measuring cups. I'm just wondering what he did that caused it to break.


And that's your tidbits of randomness for today.

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