Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today is my 30th birthday.

Instead of focusing on the past, as I've done far too often, I'm going to focus on the future.

In the next few months, I expect that Ace and I will be living on our own again, and will stay that way. We've found apartments we like, they are reasonably priced, and they come with a washer and drier in the apartment (something that seems rare for apartments).

In the next year, I expect that Ace and I will get a second car and will fix our current car's electric and heater problems.

In the next year, I expect that Ace and I will probably be getting ready for a baby (because I am an optimist).

In the next year, I expect Ace and I will start paying off our debts. Even if we aren't fully out of debt in a year, we'll be in a much better position than we are now.

In the next few months, I expect a new laptop and a new one for Ace too. We've needed them for at least the last year.

So, there you go. Those are my expectations for the next year.

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