Monday, May 11, 2009

My Wonderful Husband

Yesterday, Ace could tell I was feeling down and having a bad day. So, while he was sending his mother an e-card to wish her a Happy Mother's Day, he found a card to send to me to cheer me up.

This morning, in my e-mail, there the card was sitting and waiting for me.

He just wanted me to know that he loves me.

It helps that the bad news I got yesterday about my grandma was followed up (still last night) about my grandma with good news (she was in the hospital, but she's just got a bug and it isn't something majorly serious). It also helps that he got off work early today and so I've gotten to spend most of the day with him.

My husband, who thinks of sending me uplifting cards when I'm feeling like crying, is the most wonderful husband ever!!! (your mileage may vary)

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