Friday, May 13, 2011

It's a Celebration

A week from tomorrow, my little brother graduates from high school. I'm excited for him and I'm excited to see him walk across a stage to get a diploma holder (the actual diploma will be available in about a week, more than likely).

At the same time, I'm riding an emotional roller coaster because it'll be the first time I've seen my mom since shortly after we stopped talking. Knowing that I have a full week more to wait has just makes the problem worse.

I would have seen my mom two years ago, at my sister's high school graduation, if my sister hadn't dropped out of high school and gotten her GED instead. Had I thought of dropping out, I'm pretty sure my mom would have ripped me a new one.

I'm trying to focus on the good things from this trip. I'll see my dad, step-mom, brother, sister, grandmothers, and some other assorted relatives. My dad is funding the trip for Ace and I to go and driving us around while we're down there (for the day) so that we won't use more gas than necessary. My brother, who roughly one year ago was almost kicked out of school (I think), is graduating.

I'm going to support my brother. I'm going to surround myself with my emotional supporters while I'm there. I'll celebrate with my brother. I'll show my siblings that I will always be there for them, no matter how awkward I feel about seeing my mom. I'll show them that they are important enough to me to support them. I'll try to genuinely laugh and smile throughout the day. I'll be thankful that Ace is there for me to lean on emotionally. I'll take lots of pictures.

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