Saturday, July 28, 2007

Making a Plan

Ace and I have just set ourselves up a plan for what we are wanting to do daily to make things better for us. We are going to start walking around one of the local malls to get exercise in. I'm going to start getting up at a regular time (which will get earlier until I'm regularly getting up at 8:00 am instead of somewhere between 9 and 11). We are going to spend time studying the Bible and praying together everyday. I will watch only 2 hours of TV during normal business hours (Judge Alex and The People's Court, from 2 to 4). I'm going to spend more time reading books/magazines and less time online. This should also get me doing chores more regularly and with less time from start to finish.

We used to actually do most of this stuff (we even worked out in a gym regularly for about 4 months). And we liked how things went when we did. I'm not really sure why we stopped, other than we let other things become more important. With us walking again, I should get back down to the weight I would be best at (110-115 lbs. or 115-120 lbs., instead of 150-155 lbs.). We've determined it's not my eating habits as much as my exercise habits that got me weighing a good 30-35 pounds more than I should. Since I'm not walking all over a college campus (lugging around heavy textbooks), I've gained a little too much weight. Starting walking again should help me drop most of it (and hopefully decrease my bust size some too). Joining a gym is planned in the near future.

Well, I'm going to go. We're going to spend some time in prayer tonight, and I need to get ready for that.


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