Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Ace and I never fight, and usually only play at arguing. Which made our conversation earlier funny.

Me: While we're out, we should probably get me something to eat.

Ace: You only want to eat because the day ends in y.

Me: Well, most people eat on days that end in y.

Ace: Well, most people are broke.

Me: Not because they eat on days that end in y.

Ace: I didn't say they were. You were arguing that most people eat on days that end in y.

Me: You ate earlier, so I figured we should feed me since I haven't eaten yet.

Ace: (something in reply that I don't remember)... (under his breath) Women!

Me: Men! Sometimes men can be just as silly as women.

Ace: Ain't that the truth?

While the wording may not be exact to the conversation, it's a pretty fair rendering of it.

While we were out, we did get me food.

No people or dogs were hurt in the process of this conversation.


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