Friday, June 15, 2007

Adventures in Couch Sleeping

Tonight, in a few hours, I will go over to a friend's house to "baby-sit" her kids. Her children are old enough not to really need me for anything, and will in fact be in bed when I get there and should sleep until their parents return home. So, I am going over there to sit on their couch, read, and maybe take a nap. I'm hoping to finish The Hobbit while I'm there, because I should be at the good part (with the dragon slaying and all). I may take something else with me, on the off chance that I actually finish my book without deciding to sleep until it's time for Ace to pick me up (he'll be with the parent's after he drops me off). The last time I did this, it was about 6 months ago. I expect tonight to be the same experience as last time. I take reading material and liquid, read for a while, then sleep until right before they get there.

If there is anyone else who needs me to do that kind of baby-sitting, let's get to know each other and we'll see if I'll do it. I like sitting in other people's living rooms and reading for a while. Just let me know where the bathroom is.

I forgot to tell you yesterday, but the pregnancy test came up negative again. How long after a missed period does one go to a doctor if they keep getting negative pregnancy tests?


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