Thursday, June 28, 2007

A Brief History

Since I started this blog, I haven't really given anyone who's read this much of my history. This has not been intentional, I just forget that I didn't bring over pretty much anyone from my old blog (at least, no one that I know knows me from there other than Ace). So, here is my brief history.

I was born in the early 1980s in Dallas, TX. My parents and I lived there until not long after I turned 7, when we moved to Oklahoma (I'd tell where, but I've got to retain some of my mystery). My parents had my siblings a couple of years later and then divorced when I was 14. I met Ace at 21 and married him at 22 (almost 9 months after meeting). And the last four years I've lived in Tulsa, OK. (Why have almost all the big occasions in my life started at the seven year mark? I guess I should expect something big after turning 28, huh?)

I would give more details, but I'm hoping that this would be vague enough that if my family (who, as far as I know, doesn't know the address of this blog) does stumble across it, they won't fully know it's me. Any more details, and I'm pretty sure I'd give it all away if they ever saw it. I don't know what would happen then. But, since I'm currently on blog #2, I'd like to stop here. I may take this one through a few more incarnations, but I'd like to have only had to start 2 to be able to express myself.

Anyway, that is a very brief history of me.


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