Friday, June 29, 2007


Today, while I was watching TV, I started wondering how effective the commercials that are show are. I mean, I know that I remember them, so for that part they are effective. Most of them make me feel like they are insulting my intelligence and does not make me want their product. But enough about my frustrations with commercials.

While Ace went and looked at houses today (3 and 1/2 hours), I did lots of housework. My laundry is all folded and put away. Most of my dishes are now washed. And I feel rather tired physically (not sleepy, just lacking the desire to move). My brain, on the other hand, is working just fine. Not that I have much to think about right now, but it's alert and ready for action.

I'm going to go. I can't think of anything else to say right now, so it seems good to stop talking.


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