Thursday, June 14, 2007

Cramps, Television, and Forums

Can you guess the question that goes with that title? (Leave your thoughts, this one is an interactive post)

And while cramps normally come during my period, but that's not what is happening. Instead, I've got cramps from walking like a stripper and taking my shirt off in a sexy manner. Darn that Oprah- teaching me about sexy! And I really need to start doing some crunches, but slowly.

My chiropractor did not like how my back was doing this morning. It refused to move in the mid-back area, which is tense and was sore to the touch this morning. Between that and my bra making it hard to breathe, I decided to go without a bra for most of the day (which will probably make me really look forward to going back to the chiropractor on Monday).

I'm going to go back watching TV, because it makes me laugh.



Anonymous said...

I'm a little late on the guessing, but I am going to go with what you were doing on Thursday night.

MA Smith said...

Close, it's how I spent my Thursday. And you can guess how fun that was.